• Sat. Apr 8th, 2023

    Military to Discharge Soldiers who Refuse Covid-19 Vaccination

    If joe Biden gets his wish, the military will soon discharge soldiers who refuse a Covid-19 vaccination, Real Raw News has learned.

    Currently, vaccines are scarce and vaccinations are voluntary, except in certain circumstances. Soldiers wanting the vaccine get it at once, if available, or are placed on a waiting list; those opting out, however, are put on a different type of list, a directory of undesirables the DoD will investigate for ties to “anti-vaxxer” movements, a pejorative phrase often used to describe persons who question vaccine safety and efficacy.

    An administration source speaking under promise of anonymity told RRN that Biden aims to weed out non-conformists, and Biden believes that anyone refusing a vaccine must be a Trump supporter.

    “Biden sees a direct link between Donald Trump and people who won’t get a jab,” our source said. “He sees Trump as the preeminent figurehead of the anti-vaxx community, and Biden has said there’s no room for anti-vaxxers in his military.”

    According to the Department of Defense, 30% of enlisted soldiers between 18-25 years old have opted out. That percentage drops precipitously with age, and only 10% over the age of 35 have chosen to not get vaccinated.

    Nonetheless, both figures have caused considerable alarm within the administration, our source said..

    “The DoD expected some resistance, but nothing like the figures we’re seeing. They’d anticipated like 3-5% among all ages, so these 10 and 30 percent figures have alarm bells sounding throughout the Pentagon,” our source said.

    Biden, he added, pitched the idea to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, all of whom reportedly agreed that vaccine denialists posed a health menace to the entire military. But other Joint Chiefs were less receptive to Biden’s agenda, with Marine Corps commandant Gen. David H. Berger arguing that discharging 10-30% of soldiers across all branches of the military would irreparably damage the nation’s defense posture. He also noted the troops Biden wanted to cut—young, healthy persons with no comorbidities–were among the least likely to suffer serious side effects of the virus.

    “Gen. Berger asked Biden why he simply didn’t make the vaccine compulsory, so people didn’t get a choice, and Biden absurdly responded he’d have know way of knowing which soldiers were anti-vaxxers or loyal to Trump if he did that,” our source said.

    Biden then employed an illogical analogy, likening vaccine deniers to soldiers refused to wear “steel helmets” on the battlefield because they thought they wouldn’t get shot in the head.

    “Kevlar,” Gen. Berger corrected him. “It’s called Kevlar. We no longer use steel pots. And I’m not sure that’s ever happened.”

    “You make suggestions, I make decisions. I’m the president,” Biden purportedly told him.

    In closing, our source said the administration is still figuring out logistics on Biden’s plan, such as whether to have a mass purge, or slowly discharge soldiers to avoid a media frenzy. Also, Biden said he would decide whether discharged soldiers be denied access to VA services, labeling them potential super spreaders.

    Source: Real Raw News

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