The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced that Russian forces now control “all of Mariupol” after the surrender of 1,464 Ukraine troops.
Pavlo Kyrylenko, governor of the Donetsk region, the city was “no more,” leaving Russians with nothing left to seize.
“The enemy may seize the land Mariupol used to stand on, but the city of Mariupol has been wiped off the face of the earth by the Russian Federation.
There is now also word filtering out that Russian air defenses have SHOT DOWN a cargo plane carrying a shipment of NATO Weapons for Ukraine, but this is dicey . . .
Russia claims it downed a Ukrainian transport plane carrying weapons “in the Odessa region.”
There are no Ukrainian transport planes flying there, but there were some flying from Turkey to Poland.
At this point, the flag of the plane is believed to Be Ukrainian, but that is *NOT* confirmed. (Could be a NATO Plane)
Some Sources, primarily Russian, claiming that the Aircraft shot down was a NATO Military Aircraft carrying Weapons to Ukrainian Forces in Odesa, but again this is extremely unlikely. However, if found to be true, oh boy . . .
Flying from Turkey (Drones) to Poland (the central distribution point of NATO weapons) ultimately entering Ukraine?
If this is one of the planes shot down, then in one fell swoop, Russia has put Ukraine, Turkey, and Poland, on notice that NATO weapons shipments are not safe anywhere.
Bold move by Russia.
Still have to get all the facts and, of course, see how this plays out.
*****It would be excellent news in our fight for freedom if the Russians achieve their aims in Ukraine. It would be a black eye for the entire Western Autocratic Totalitarianism. The attempt to deflect attention away from the inflation and poor GDP performance after the unlocking of the economic systems in the West has already failed. BoJo and Brandon were fools to attempt to use ordinary Russian military exercises as a propaganda campaign. It obviously precipitated long laid Russian plans to support the Donbass. BoJo has paid a fine and everything seems fine on the surface. Brandon is showing the usual old-timer’s confusion and effects of advanced age, that will never change or be deflected. Reality you know. The Steal is in everyone’s mind as the mid-terms approach in the US. Hopefully, the state’s have taken back their control of the ballot boxes and honest returns will be received in the red state areas. The Blues are hopeless and will undoubtedly be the areas that secede in the breakup of the US in the future.
*****I am beginning to hope this whole thing will be the start of the lesson that the US/UK alliance needs to make it realize that ruling the world is not a reasonable ambition. Perhaps the Tories will finally be defeated for good? We can only hope and pray.
*****God Bless Us All