• Sun. May 28th, 2023


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    • David Hogg exposes the TRUTH about MASKS!! Yes THAT David Hogg! No NOT on purpose!

    David Hogg exposes the TRUTH about MASKS!! Yes THAT David Hogg! No NOT on purpose!

    I mean, sort of on purpose, but blithely because the implications are beyond the ken of the wannabe wunderkind. As we posted earlier, Rachel whatserface last night said she has…


    The World Economic Forum wants you to wear a COVID mask for the rest of your life by promoting one that tells you when you are allowed to breathe fresh…

    Now there’s even more reason to resist the masks

    Making sense of COVID is something I continually struggle with.  I started writing about it here in January.  I wrote an essay about Munchausen by (government) proxy, which I’ve just revisited, months later,…

    CDC finally admits that the MASKS do nothing to stop COVID

    The CDC has admitted face masks do little to prevent the spread of COVID-19 amid mounting pressure to lift mask mandates across the U.S. In a new study, the CDC found…

    Enough Is Enough: Time to Finally Follow the Science on Masks

    Recently I was “fact checked” by PolitiFact for a demo I did showing that masks don’t stop the spread of aerosols (longer one here, shorter one here).  The reporter asked for my comments and then…