• Fri. Aug 4th, 2023

    Month: June 2022

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    • Just Horrible: Father Gets Shot In The Head By His Daughter’s Abusive Ex-Boyfriend After She Broke Up With Him! VIDEO!

    Just Horrible: Father Gets Shot In The Head By His Daughter’s Abusive Ex-Boyfriend After She Broke Up With Him! VIDEO!

    Following their breakup, the abusive ex-boyfriend of the father’s daughter shoots him in the head! A video of a moment when a father gets shot in the head by his…

    Deep State Just Stepped On A Land Mine! More False Claims! Jan. 6 Falls Into A Trap! – On The Fringe

    It is extrememly likely that the deep state was just tricked into making a huge mistake. This will likely be one of the final nails in the J6 coffin. Trust…

    The Disrespect: Pro-Abortion Activists Kick Bible Around & More!

    They kicked a bible around and threw it in the port-a-potty. Disturbing footage from Seattle shows pro-abortion activists playing soccer with a Bible before proceeding to completely desecrate and destroy…

    Bull Absolutely Destroys This Man!

    Gah Dayum: Bull Absolutely Destroys This Man! That bull was tired of the games and destroyed that man. Source: worldstar.com

    BREAKING: Russian General Says London Will Be 1st Target of WW3

    “We’ll destroy the entire group of enemy’s space satellites during the first air operation,” said Lt-Gen Gurulyov, a senior commander who now represents United Russia, the main pro-Putin political party.…

    BREAKING: Ghislaine Maxwell Just Dropped A Bomb On The Clintons In Sex Trafficking Trial (Video)

    Ghislaine Maxwell, a child sex trafficker for Jeffrey Epstein, has audaciously come forth in court regarding her close ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton only days before she is sentenced for…

    [VIDEO] Do War Zones Usually Come With a Camera Man, Director, and Production Crew?

    This world has gotten so ridiculous that you don’t know what’s real and what’s not. And it’s not just “communist” countries and dictators in other countries doing this… the US…

    Biden Announces a New Plandemic Right before the Midterm Elections

    The Democrats aren’t even bothering to hide it anymore. They need lockdowns and mail-in ballots to have a chance at winning the next election – and that’s exactly what they’re…

    Chicago Urban Safari Park! VIDEO!

    Clip from Chicago last night. They can just smell when visitors are near. Watch:

    Black man beats 3 white women walking on streets. VIDEO!

    Shocking graphic video captured a black man beating three white women in south Philadelphia on June 15. SEGREGATION OR GETO

    Short skinny loud mouth punk picks fight with former opponent of Iron Mike Tyson

    Former British heavyweight champion Julius Francis (who fought Mike Tyson) now working as security at BOXPARK Wembley and dealing with some trouble today… It does not end well. That was…

    Nancy Pelosi Claims Drag Queens are ‘What America Is All About’

    Drag queens are “what America is all about,” according to Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who declared it “an honor” to make a guest appearance on the most recent…

    Mystery plane flies over 6 NATO states

    The unidentified aircraft managed to fly over several European nations without approval before its crew vanished without a trace. An anonymous aircraft spotted flying out of Lithuania was allowed to…

    Matthew McConaughey Was Dazed and Confused At The White House

    In this informative video, Reid Henrichs of Valor Ridge discusses the irresponsible comments made by Matthew McConaughey. He is ill-informed, wrong, and outright reckless in what he wants. But what…

    Juan O’ Savin: Huge Military Intel: It’s Time! (Video)

    Juan and Gerry are dropping HUGE military Intel and info. We are about to witness major events and these events will change everything! This is a big situation update and…

    Spain Admits Spraying Deadly Chemtrails As Part of Secret UN Program to Fight Covid-19

    The Spanish government ordered the military to quietly spray lethal chemtrails on its citizens with UN authorization under the cover of the “state of emergency for the management of the health…

    Whoopi Goldberg: ALL Gun-Owning Americans Must Be Jailed Immediately

    “The View” co-host Whoopi Goldberg is calling for police to arrest over 100 million law-abiding American gun owners for the crime of believing in the Second Amendment. Goldberg went on an…

    There’s a New Poll Involving The Movie “2000 Mules” That Should Scare The Hell Outta Dems

    This new Rasmussen poll should terrify the Democrat Party. Seriously, it should rock them right down to their blackened souls… and that goes for the GOP establishment too. Here’s what…

    Depopulation: Klaus Schwab’s Advisor Asks ‘What To Do With All These Useless People?’

    The most important question the global elite must answer in the coming decade is “What to do with all these useless people?” according to the lead advisor to World Economic…